We can help. Our Mercedarian friars offer spiritual direction. We provide free on-line or in-person spiritual direction. We have options for either an on-line conference call or a cell phone call for those unable to meet for a live appointment.
If you live close to one of our Mercedarian communities (Philadelphia, St Petersburg, FL, Columbus, Cleveland, or Western NY) we can offer in-person appointments. All appointments are free of charge as we are a Catholic nonprofit organization.
Spiritual direction involves a one-hour appointment to be guided on your spiritual journey. During the call, the priest will offer listening, guidance according to the teachings of the Church, pastoral care and accompaniment. Confidentiality* is assured between you and your spiritual director. Your director will discuss with you an appropriate time frame to schedule any subsequent appointments and the length of your appointment times.
If interested, please fill-out the form below, and our office will be in touch to book the appointment. We will give you options in terms of your schedule and our priest's schedule. We look forward to hearing from you!
*Confidentiality Clause: Meetings with a priest follow the confidentiality principles of internal forum. However, private information may be disclosed without consent in order to protect the client or the public from serious harm - if, for example a client disloses plans to attempt suicide or harm another person.