Father Kenneth Breen, O.deMPastoral Consultation Priest
Born in New Jersey in 1958, Fr. Ken moved back to Cleveland when he was 2 years old and had been raised as a cradle Catholic who really came alive in his Catholic faith with the help of high school seminary classmate (now Fr. Mike Diemer Diocese of Toledo) when he came to share with the Revelations in Our Lady of Fatima about the reality of Heaven and Hell and the Real Presence and the Magisterium and how much Jesus suffered to free us from sin. His life changing conversion led Father Ken to consider following Jesus in a religious community and he showed Father Ken our Order and it's call to "No Greater Love" so Father then threw the net on the other side of the boat. After serving first in the Jail/Prison ministry in St. Petersburg Diocese, then Parish ministry at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel and St. Rocco, Cleveland OH continuing also the Jail ministry, then 13 years of collaborative formation ministry in India, then back to parish ministry (and where possible volunteer prison ministry) from 2010 to the present. The foundation is so grateful to Rose Sweet's help who is our former board member as she retired in 2021 and her experience which enabled us to help families in crisis during our beginnings. We ask your prayers for God's Grace and strength and Mercy to help us help families in need.